Design Team’s Blog

Spaces That Work
Open floor plans are taking over not only at home, but also in the Office. The desire for open air, transparency, collaboration and natural light are growing rapidly. While lower panel walls and benching workstation arrangements are great for...

Sustainable Office, Cleaner World
There are so many ways that we can cut down on our environmental footprint, and choosing office furniture wisely can make a big impact. Furniture manufacturers can meet certain sustainability requirements to achieve certifications for their products, construction...

What Color are you Feeling?
Colors are essential to any design project and narrowing down to a specific color scheme can be a difficult task. One main thing to keep in mind as you start designing, is the atmosphere you want to create. If your clients are coming into your office, how do you want...

Take the Office… Outside!
Do you ever find yourself looking out the window on a nice Spring day, imaging yourself by the pool or having a cook out? You're not the only one! It's actually a natural human tendency to feel called to the outdoors by the sun and blue skies. Believe it or not, our...

Don’t Forget Your Ancillaries!
When designing or managing a project, there are so many elements trying to fight for your focus. Because of large project scopes, some essential items are frequently forgotten. So here is a list of ancillary (accessory) products that can: 1. add to the overall design...

Creating A Minimalist Work Environment
Your home is not the only space that needs a good spring cleaning! Many of us have experienced the insanity that comes from too much clutter, papers, projects and just plain junk all over our work space. One of the keys to your highest productivity is organization. So...

Modern or Contemporary?
When discussing architecture and design, Modern and Contemporary styles seem to refer to the same elements. However, there is a difference in the styles that will only grow as time and styles progress. Contemporary design, by definition, is “of the current time” and...